
Dictionaries may define a family as a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household, or a group of people related to one another by blood or marriage. Here on our Lakeview campus we like to extend that definition to include the relationships that our staff and residents share together. We become and are family together.

Our beloved residents have been entrusted to our cares by their own family members so that Lakeview provides the best complete senior cares in the area.

Whether our Lakeview residents have been with us for only a few days or for many years, when one of our residents pass away, we feel the loss as family as well. Your loved one is a part of our Lakeview family and will be sorely missed by the residents and Lakeview staff.

Here at Lakeview Health Services we want to keep the memory of your departed loved ones alive in our thoughts as well.

As is the custom in our weekly Sunday morning Chapel worship service, I announce the passing of your beloved and as a congregation we pray for the family members and friends that God in His mercy will bear you up with His comfort, and the precious memories of your loved one.

As is my custom, I also extend a personal invitation to the family that has experienced personal loss, to attend a special “Service of Remembrance” as part of our Sunday morning worship service on the last Sunday of the month of your loved ones passing. The congregation will recognize you and your family and embrace you in prayer in your loss and offer a gift of encouragement to the family from the Lakeview staff.

Also, once a year on All Saint’s Sunday, the first Sunday in November, I read the names of all the departed that have passed away over the last year here at Lakeview, from one “All Saint’s Sunday” to the next “All Saint’s Sunday”.

Truly, we sympathize with all who have ever experienced the loss of a loved one.

May God bless you and yours!

Bruce Koskovich, Chaplain