There are many ways you can show your support of Lakeview United Methodist Health Services, Inc.
Types of
These gifts enable Lakeview to keep pace with reduced government support and the growing need in elderly services to ensure the best possible care.
These ensure the long-term fiscal health of Lakeview by remembering the Foundation in your estate and financial plans. Planned giving options include, but are not limited to, bequests, legacies, gifts of life insurance, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable gift annuities among other methods. You can fulfill your charitable goals while also gaining significant tax benefits.
Volunteering helps us achieve our goals. Many individuals and organizations donate their time to countless activities which support the mission and purpose of Lakeview.
Memorial gifts pay tribute in memory, in honor or in celebration of a loved one. They also provide the comfort of knowing that your contribution will continue to enhance the lives of the elderly in our area. Family and friends will receive written notification of all memorial gifts made in memory of a loved one.
Among the smartest ways to give is to contribute appreciated stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate. You’ll receive an immediate Charitable deduction for the full market value of your gift, plus you avoid the capital gains tax that otherwise might be owed on your investment.
Giving is personal. Each of us has our own reasons for giving and ways of giving that suit our personal needs. All gifts given to the Foundation are special and very much appreciated. When you decide to include Lakeview Health Services in your planning, it may be helpful for you to visit with Lakeview’s Health Services Foundation Director. Our director can answer questions you may have regarding our ministry and how your charitable gift will be used. She can also provide you with helpful information that you can take with you to your attorney or financial advisor.
Mailing Address
Lakeview Health Services Foundation
610 Summit Drive
Fairmont, MN 56031